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Restaurants In Fortaleza Meireles Brazil

Azteca de Oro
Since 2008, Azteca de Oro restaurant has been bringing to Fortaleza all the flavor and originality of real Mexican cuisine, in a thematic environment with welcoming structure. Working the traditional rodizio system, come taste the best Mexican cuisine in town. We expect you with open arms!
Barlavento Lancheteria
Delight our customers and maintain excellence in our products and services is our goal. Therefore, the Barlavento Lancheteria chosen to provide the best view of the city with the best açai berry and natural snacks. Pay us a visit and get surprised with our flavors!
Nilo Esfiha
Opened in 2005 by a Ceará native, owner of Nilo Esfiha in Pinheiros (São Paulo) who came back to Ceará six years ago with a commitment to conquer customers with quality and client satisfaction as main goal.